African Physical Society Resolution and Communique


We, African participants at the 6th Edward Bouchet Abdus Salam Institute (EBASI) Conference on Physics and Technology for Sustainable Development in Africa, iThemba Laboratories, South Africa, 23-26 January 2007:

Recognize the existence, since 1983, of the Society of African Physicists and Mathematicians (SAPAM);

Commend the invaluable contributions of SAPAM to the development of Basic Sciences and Technology in Africa;

Appreciate the selfless sacrifices of SAPAM Executive Committee members both past and present; especially, SAPAM President, Professor F.K.A. Allotey, and SAPAM General Secretary, Dr. Akintayo Adedoyin;

Note the needs and merits for the establishment of a pan-African organization to promote the physical sciences on the continent;

Resolve, with the consent of SAPAM Executive Committee, that SAPAM be restructured to enable easy transformation into becoming the African Physical Society (AFPS);

Task the African members of EBASI Council with the responsibility of overseeing this transformation and acting as an interim Executive Committee for AFPS until the 7th EBASI International Conference;

Expect a full report from the interim Executive Committee, leading to the inauguration of AFPS at the 7th EBASI International Conference.


We, participants at the 6th Edward Bouchet Abdus Salam Institute (EBASI) Conference on Physics and Technology for Sustainable Development in Africa, iThemba Laboratories, South Africa, 23­26 January 2007:

  1. Note the impressive participation of 220 scientists from 27 African countries;
  2. Launched the journal – African Physical Review;
  3. Resolve to establish the African Physical Society;
  4. Launched the African Nanotechnology Network (NANOAFNET);
  5. Launched ASDA – Network of Accelerators for Sustainable Development in Africa;
  6. Moved the head office of EBASI to Africa;
  7. Note the high level of scientific research in Africa as evidenced through the conference presentations;
  8. Authorise the EBASI Council to do all necessary to further encourage the promotion of science and technology in Africa;
  9. Appreciate the efforts of the leadership of iThemba Labs, South Africa in hosting the 6th EBASI Conference;
  10. Acknowledge the financial and other forms of support from:
  • The Government and people of the Republic of South Africa,
  • The Director and Management of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics;
  • The United States National Science Foundation,
  • South Africa Department of Science and Technology,
  • South Africa National Research Foundation,
  • The Director and Management of the iThemba Labs, South Africa,
  • African Institute of Mathematical Sciences, South Africa,
  • Clark-Atlanta University, USA,
  • Academy of Sciences for the Developing World,
  • Africa Academy of Sciences,
  • South Africa CSIR,
  • South Africa NECSA,
  • Africa Laser Centre,
  • International Atomic Energy Agency
  1. Accept the invitation of Cheikh Anta Diop University, Senegal, to host the 7th EBASI Conference